Category Archives for BK Creative News

Updates on everything taking place with BK Creative. From Projects to giveaways discounts and deals.

Facebook Failure

Facebook Marketing is Stifling Growth in Belize

Facebook Marketing is Failing MSMEs Facebook Marketing is huge in Belize. Many micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) within the tourism sector rely heavily on the platform for their marketing efforts. While Facebook remains a…
Word of Mouth -Kreative Blog

Digital Marketing vs Word of Mouth

The marketing world is rapidly changing, driven by technological advancements and increasing competition. The debate between “Digital Marketing vs Word-of-Mouth” has never been more significant. This blog post examines why traditional word-of-mouth marketing is losing…

BK Creative Digital Marketing Solutions

A brand without an online presence is like a fish without fins. Even in its best efforts, the brand won’t get to its utmost potential, any time soon. Companies need a perfect blend of online…